Unpaid care work refers to the work done for the purpose of caring and looking after others without getting any monetary benefits for the work.
- February 1, 2023
Culture refers to patterns of behaviour, attitudes and beliefs that are common to a group of people who commonly share these attributes and who use them for their identity.
- February 1, 2023
Technology is a complex system, composed of more than one entity or sub-systems of technologies and a relationship that holds between each entity and at least one other entity in the system for achieving specific goals.
- February 1, 2023
Science is a complex system with dynamic elements (e.g., disciplines and research fields) that develop over time. The evolution of science is critical to explain human progress.
- February 1, 2023
Full reserve banking is name for a bank system under which, to over-simplify, private/commercial banks cannot issue money: that is, all money is issued by central banks. Other phrases used to describe that system include “100% reserves”, “Sovereign Money” and “narrow banking”.
- February 1, 2023
It is helpful at this point to consider the big picture, the underlying political economy of bank capital. In a laissez faire world with no central bank and no financial regulation, banks would sink or swim with no expectation of being bailed out by the state or its agencies if
- February 1, 2023
In the years following the Second World War, America’s Bell System developed the innovation that would launch a third industrial revolution in the United States and soon after in the rest of the world.
- February 1, 2023
I was privileged to meet Milton Friedman when I was a student in Japan in 1969. The lecture that he gave that August afternoon in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Hall in Tokyo on “Monetary versus Fiscal Policy” had a profound impact on my thinking.
- February 1, 2023
Income distributive justice is a political subjective phrase related to an income distribution rather than to a scientific issue. Most people believe that income inequality should be as small as possible. Nevertheless, it is understood that a certain gap between the rich and the poor is necessary to stimulate competition
- February 1, 2023
For those who have been Rip Van Winkling it for the last little while Ross Ulbricht set up Silk Road, which was an electronic market for buying and selling illegal drugs.
- February 1, 2023